Hello my candle-lites!
Where has the time gone! Lots of ups and downs, and lefts and rights. But it's what we learn, go through and survive that makes us who we are... and good or bad... it's life and we just have to remember that it's mostly just a little hiccup in the road.
So, it's November 1st. I cannot believe that summer has come and gone, and so has Halloween! We have been so busy with life that unfortunately, I ordered Halloween supplies too late, and they didn't come with enough time to make any fun Halloween stuff. That's ok! That just means that next year.. it'll be EVEN BETTER!! So we live, learn and move on! We DID pretty much sell out of all our stock! I'm speechless! Thank you sooo much to those that support this fun little business of mine!! We truly appreciate each and every person that supports us! We are working on some new candles... coming soon!
Moving on.... CHRISTMAS!!!! Our brains have been rolling with what new fragrances we are going to surprise you all with!! The list of fragrances has been updated on our website. You can find our list under the 'special order' tab (under Contact Us) or simply click here! It was really hard to figure out what we wanted to go with this year, however, with help of our amazing friends and families... we have some fun scents up our sleeve, and can't wait to put it all together!
You'll have to make sure keep an eye on our social media pages as well as our website for up to date info and release dates!!
DON'T FORGET!!! Our Aulneau Unity candle is amazing and supports such a great cause!! Make sure you check it out here or through our great friends at Aulneau Renewal Centre, located at 228 Hamel Avenue in Winnipeg, MB!!
Also, there MAY be a vessel change in the near future as our supplier no longer carries the vessels we had chosen for the new 4oz candles. Should this happen and I can't find another supplier, this will in no way, shape or form affect the performance or fragrances of our candles!
Well, that is all for now!!
Bring on the new fragrances and….
RIP Matthew Perry.
Keep smiling,
Best Blue Jays game ever!!